In a world of gifted hunters and monsters, a weak hunter Sung Jin Woo gains extraordinary powers through a mysterious program, leading him to become one of the strongest hunters and conquering even the strongest dungeons.
This Mystery Series includes the following FiGPiN Minis:
- Common: Sung Jin Woo (Y244), Woo Jin Chul (Y245), Choi Jung-In (Y246), Yoo Jinho (Y247)
- Uncommon: Choi Jung-In (Y248), Woo Jin Chul (Y249), Baek Yoonho (Y250), Yoo Jinho (Y251)
- Rare: Baek Yoonho (Y252), Cha Hae-In (Y253)
- Super Rare: Go Gunhee (Y254), Cha Hae-In (Y255)
- Hyper Rare: Sung Jin Woo #Y256
- Ultra Rare (app redemption): Sung Jin Woo (Y257)
Unlock your Mystery FiGPiNs on the FiGPiN App for your chance to redeem the gold and black ULTRA Sung Jin Woo (Y257)!
*Disclaimer: Purchasing a full Case does NOT guarantee all pins in the Series.
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Solo Leveling Mystery Series 1 - CASE
Sale price$100.00
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