BLEACH follows the story of Ichigo Kurosaki, a normal high-school student whose life turns upside down after meeting Rukia Kuchiki. Forced to take on the responsibilities of a substitute Soul Reaper, Ichigo must face and defeat monstrous lost souls from the spirit world.
This Uryu Ishida FiGPiN is a FiGPiN Exclusive release with a drop date of November 22, 2024. This glitter enamel pin has a limited release of only 300 pieces made.
- Sized approximated 3" tall (76.2 mm) and 3/32" thick (2.0mm) with a three-point backing.
- Encased in a museum quality acrylic display box to display your enamel pin for a premium experience.
- Have your enamel pin stand up on its own with the patented FiGPiN soft rubber pin backer.
- A character-specific background card available in the display case to finish the look.
- With the unique serial number on the back of your FiGPiN, unlock your pin on the FiGPiN APP for a first-hand look into bonus facts, history, and exclusive benefits as a collector.
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Uryu Ishida (1399)
Sale price$20.00
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